Política de Privacidade

The Política de Privacidade was created to protect users. It is understood as a user who accesses Internet pages or Web application platforms.
The use of Internet pages or Web application platforms assumes the acceptance of this privacy agreement and any updates.


All information submitted by the user or collected by the existing forms will be used to:
  1. Help make the user visit more productive and enjoyable possible;
  2. Provision of services;
  3. Permission to collect information sent to improve and resolve system failures used by the user;


The user must never transmit or disclose his/her access data. The user assumes sole responsibility for the maintenance and confidentiality of his data.


Internet pages or web platforms may have links to other pages or third-party web platform, such as Google Maps which is a service provided by Google INC.
  • This Política de Privacidade is not applied to third-party Internet or Web sites;
  • This Política de Privacidade does not replace the Política de Privacidade and content of third-party websites or web sites.

Política de Privacidade CHANGES

It reserves the right to change this agreement without prior notice. It is requested to periodically review this privacy policy to stay informed.
As nossas Parcerias