Kitchen management and organization in the blink of an eye with ZS monitor

Kitchen management and organization.

ZS monitor is the App that allows you to have full control over kitchen orders, thus increasing visibility, hygiene and organization while keeping the focus on the most important, delivering the order on time and with the highest level of quality. Paperless and on a single screen, the solution for you!


  • Viewing and managing orders: Each order or change is followed by an audible signal. On the screen, the orders are displayed with an indication of the preparation time, by colors and comments.
  • Take-away mode: With a customer and delivery confirmation screen, in addition to the possibility of connecting with printers.
  • Greater organization: Eliminate paper orders and ensure a clean, paper-free kitchen with fewer mistakes.
  • Stock Control: Total control over stock with the possibility of indicating if a certain product is out of stock by blocking it at the point of sale.
  • Invoice presentation: Invoice with customer data filled in automatically. Entering tax data for the invoice.
  • Color time control: Displays all orders with indication of preparation time by colors and comments (ex: medium rare).
  • Order transfer: Allows you to transfer orders between production centers.
  • Ticket printing: Indication of ready order with ticket printing.
  • Group products: Possibility of grouping quantities of the same product.


Yes! We help any type of business, regardless of its size. With our support, you will have processes and solutions that grow with your business.

Yes! We help any type of business, regardless of its size. With our support, you will have processes and solutions that grow with your business.

We can carry out migration processes from old software, ensuring that there is no loss of data. But we must warn that according to GDPR legislation, cloud management software is required to delete the fiscal data of canceled licenses within 30 days. And you can only store databases under a valid contract. If the old software works in the cloud and you cancel your license, the customer has a period of 30 days to request a backup and guarantee its availability for tax/legal purposes.

You need to analyze the equipment you have. Whenever possible, they are used.

Yes, depending on the campaigns in place.

Zone Soft uses ZS Cloud, which is a hybrid cloud, operating online and offline. ZS Cloud ensures a backup policy, with the automatic synchronization of all information and the maintenance of 2 databases simultaneously, requirements of the Autoridade Tributária (AT) for the use of invoicing programs. Additionally, a daily backup is made with a report on the Portal

Despacho n.º 8632/2014, de 3 de Julho (Diário da República n.º 126/2014 – 03/07, Série II) 3.1.2 - Ter implementada uma política de cópias de segurança, de periodicidade obrigatória, de forma a minimizar o volume de dados a recuperar em caso de corrupção da base de dados e ou a manutenção de duas ou mais base de dados simultâneas para que, quando uma se corrompa, a(s) outra(s) assegure(m) a continuidade da faturação.
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